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Kendo Ui Treeview Current Datasource Post

I need to create a folder structure in FTP similar to that of the tree structure on my view. I want to allow the user to edit the tree structure before creating folders. I have a

Solution 1:

As my question explains, I have 3 steps:

  1. Server-bind the default tree
  2. Edit nodes (delete, add, rename nodes)
  3. Fetch back all treeview data (including added ones)

After going through the kendo docs and this demo, I got the point. I have to make my tree datasource observable so as to reflect the node-changes. For this I had to use kendo-web-scripts (instead of server wrappers). So I changed my step 1 to:

  1. Remote bind the default tree (To make my dataSource observable)

I want my tree view fully loaded at once remotely and seeing this demo, I figured out that treeview only allows one level to be loaded at a time. (UserVoice already queued but Kendo team still ignoring it). So I use a hacky way:

<divid="PipelineStructureMajor"></div><buttonid="createandorinsert"class="k-button hugebtn">Send</button><script>
$.get("../Structure/LoadTreeData", function (data) {
    var sat = new{
        data: data

    var pipelinetree = $("#PipelineStructureMajor").kendoTreeView({
        dataSource: kendo.observableHierarchy(sat),
        dragDrop: true,
        select: onNodeSelect

And I sent my data to the controller action like:

$('#createandorinsert').click(function (e) {

//TreeView's current datasourcevar tree = $("#PipelineStructureMajor").data("kendoTreeView");

        url: '../Structure/FtpCreateAndOrSync',
        type: 'POST',            
        data: {
            xmlNodes: JSON.stringify(tree)
        beforeSend: function (xhr) {
        success: function (result, status, xhr) {                
        error: function (jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {                


And on the controller side, I Deserialized string json as: Just showing partial code

    public ActionResult FtpCreateAndOrSync(string xmlNodes)
       //Deserializing nodesvar xmlNodesModels = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<IEnumerable<XmlNode>>(
            ////Alternative//var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<XmlNode>>(xmlNodes);return Json(new { cr = createResult, dr = dbResult });

Hope this helps someone.

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