Organizing Custom Javascripts In Mvc 4
Solution 1:
i think that adding your scripts to a custom folder in your scripts
folder is the way to go.
you can create a new bundle in the appstart\BundleConfig.cs
file as follows:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/custom").Include(
and than add the bundle
to your view like this:
@section scripts{
this will be rendered at the @RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
line on your layout
To call only one specific script
for your view
you can do:
@section scripts{
note: you can drag the script file from the solution explorer
into the section. you don't have to write the entire path.
EDIT - seems important so i copied this from my last comment:
in order to use minification
you need to add your script to the bundle table and either add BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = true;
to the BundleConfig
file or set <compilation debug="false"
in your web.config
Solution 2:
You could organize your scripts in the Scripts
- ~/Scripts/Home/foobar.js
- ~/Scripts/Admin/baz.js
- ...
Should I use custom Bundles ?
Sure, you could bundle the scripts that always go together.
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