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Injecting Content Via Grunt Task, Depending On Project Build Configuration

I'm trying to inject content via grunt-replace when I build by visual studio solution. However I would like to inject different content depending on the build configuration. Is it

Solution 1:

You can use grunt.option for this. Provide your build env on the command line and use it in the Gruntfile using grunt.option.

Quoting the example from grunt.option documentation


  compass: {
    dev: {
      options: {
        /* ... */
        outputStyle: 'expanded'
    staging: {
      options: {
        /* ... */
        outputStyle: 'compressed'
var target = grunt.option('target') || 'dev';
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['compass:' + target]);

As you run grunt deploy your stylesheets would default to the dev target and output the CSS in the expanded format. If you ran grunt deploy --target=staging the staging target would instead be ran and your CSS would be in the compressed format.

grunt deploy --target=staging

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