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How Can I Use Html Fixtures With Karma Test Runner Using Qunit?

I'm playing with Karma test runner ( using qunit ( I succesfully created and ran simple tests (100% JavaScript), bu

Solution 1:

I'm not using AngularJS... I solved by adopting jasmine-jquery: (I use jasmine only for the fixtures, my tests are still written using qunit). In my configuration file I have the following:

frameworks= ['qunit', 'jasmine'];files= [


      {pattern:'src/main/webapp/js/libs/jquery/jquery-1.8.3.js', watched:false, served:true, included:true},
      {pattern:'src/test/js/lib/jasmine-jquery.js', watched:false, served:true, included:true},

      {pattern:'src/test/js/**/*.html', watched:true, served:true, included:false},
      {pattern:'src/test/js/**/*.json', watched:true, served:true, included:false},
      {pattern:'src/test/js/**/*.xml', watched:true, served:true, included:false},

      {pattern:'src/test/js/**/*.js', watched:true, served:true, included:true}

then in my test files:

module("TestSuiteName", {
    setup: function() {
        var f = jasmine.getFixtures();
        f.fixturesPath = 'base';
    teardown: function() {
        var f = jasmine.getFixtures();

Solution 2:

If you are using AngularJS, you can use the html2js preprocessor. An example how to do that is at

These html files are served by Karma, but they are not included in the page, so you would have to fetch them - probably through xhr request.

Here is a similar preprocessor, that converts html file into a JS string (not tight to Angular): You can see how to use it in the e2e test:

NOTE: this html2js preprocessor is not part of Karma 0.8 and plugins only work with Karma 0.9+ (currently in canary channel), so you have to use canary (which contains lot of changes ;-))...

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