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Javascript Jvm Implementation

Is there any JavaScript jvm implementations? If no, can you give me some reasons why it hasn't realized already? (not possible probably?) I'm trying to understand what is absent

Solution 1:

Most current one seems to be Doppio

Solution 2:

You may have a look at the bck2brwsr (aka HTML)

  • it is a VM that transforms java byte code into JavaScript (Bck2Brwsr Virtual Machine)
  • provides a Java based wrapper to HTML (HTML via Java APIs)

The scope of the project is not to execute any existing java library. (see

There are two nice examples on the web:

  • a calculator, that gives good technical insight (
  • a nice space invader demo as a proof of concept (JAYDAY 2013 java summit page)

To get started with a working example (needs Maven and JDK7):

Step 1: load archetype

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apidesign.bck2brwsr \
 -DarchetypeArtifactId=bck2brwsr-archetype-html-sample -DarchetypeVersion=0.7.2 \

Step 2: build HTML page and dependencies and pack as ZIP file

mvn install
# produces

Step 3: unpack ZIP

cd target; unzip
  creating: public_html/
  creating: public_html/lib/
  extracting: public_html/lib/emul-0.7.2-rt.jar  
  extracting: public_html/lib/javaquery.api-0.7.2.jar  
  inflating: public_html/bck2brwsr.js  
  extracting: public_html/bck-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  
  inflating: public_html/index.html 

Step 4: open index.html with your browser

Solution 3:

Not sure how mature jsJVM is but looks like something which you would be interested in. As the page says, it's JVM written in Javascript.

Solution 4:

  1. +script seems to be interesting, too and the author also works on an web based IDE.

  2. BicaVM may be another option.

  3. The Orto project may be dead.

Solution 5:

Very late answer, but for future inquirers: There is a new Java JVM implementation for JavaScript that has been released since this question was first asked. It claims to implement a JVM even without Java installed.

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