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How To Call A Javascript Function From One Frame To Another In Chrome/webkit With File Protocol

I have developed an application that has a list of items in one frame; when one clicks on an item it does something in another frame (loads an image). This used to work fine in all

Solution 1:

See the answers to the closely-related question: Call a JavaScript function defined in an iframe in Chrome using the file protocol.

Briefly, launching Chrome with --allow-file-access-from-files "solves" the problem insofar as the error will not be reported.

Of course, since you're distributing files on a CD, you're unlikely to view this an actual solution. I recommend starring Chromium bug 47416 to encourage the developers of Chromium to bring Chrome more into line with the behavior of Gecko.

Solution 2:

I tried your test pages, and they work fine with Chrome on Windows (and Firefox 3.6.3, and IE7 [after fixing the issue below]). So I'm with Pekka (as usual): I think the problem must lie elsewhere.

It wasn't working in IE7 and it took me forever to figure out why not: You need to give either rows or cols on the frameset tag, otherwise IE only loads the one frame. (The validator would have told me that if I'd asked it.)

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