How To Bind Data From Razor To Knockout?
Solution 1:
You're creating a single element observable array by calling the RowData
constructor, but you're not passing any parameters in.
self.ApprTable = ko.observableArray([new RowData()]);
The function definition requires a lot of parameters
functionRowData(Appropriation, PriorityDate, Location, Source, Owner, Use, StartedBy, RequiredReporting)
You're not actually putting any data into the observables.
Solution 2:
You are mixing the stuff. If you want to init the view from razor data, you can do it in two ways:
First, generate JSON in the controller and load it to knockout view model using "knockout-mapping" plugin, for example your view may contain:
$(function () {
ko.mapping.fromJS(@Html.Raw(ViewBag.jmodel), null, viewModel);
of course you should prepare ViewBag.jmodel
in your controller, like this:
JsonSerializer js = JsonSerializer.Create(new JsonSerializerSettings());
var jw = new StringWriter();
js.Serialize(jw, <your object here>);
ViewBag.jmodel = jw.ToString();
Other way is to generate code that will add data row by row like you attempted to do:
var viewModel=newStep3ViewModel();
@for (inti=0; i < UserWRInfo.Count; i++)
viewModel.ApprTable.push(newRowData(@UserWRInfo[i].AppropriationNumber, /*other values here to create full row of data row*/)
This way will generate as many viewModel.ApprTable.push(...)
lines as you have in your data set.
And of course, your table with data and knockout binding should NOT contain any razor code!!!
<tdstyle="text-align: center"data-bind="value: Appropriation"></td>
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