Communicate With Iframe (same Domain) Using Angular 4/5
I am working on an application in which I need to display some components inside an
Solution 1:
The Session Storage is a perfect way to communicate between iframes that belong to the same domain. Official docs
You can also bind to storage change events.
In pure JS you can just do this (JSFiddle here)
/* [Parent window] */const writeToSessionEverySecond = function() {
var value = 10;
sessionStorage.setItem('my_key', value);
}, 1000);
/* [Child window] Listen storage change events */window.addEventListener('storage', function() {
const valueFromSession = sessionStorage.getItem('my_key');
console.log('VALUE ' + valueFromSession)
}, false);
NOTE: In order to really fire an event, the content of the session must change. If you set the same value the event wont fire.
If you are using RxJs you can use observables to build simple yet powerful logic on storage events streams, i.e,
Rx.Observable.fromEvent(window, 'storage').
.<rx operators to do your magic>()
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