Raphaeljs Pie Chart Animation On Hover
Solution 1:
If I understand your question correctly, you want the slice to completely disconnect from the pie chart when somebody hovers over it.
To do this, you want to translate the segment, which allows you to move an SVG object in a given direction, toward x, y co-ordinates. I'm no SVG pro, so I'd suggest taking a look into the full functionality of this yourself; regardless, to do these types of operations with Raphael, you can use the Element.transform
, or can provide transform values in an animate
The second of these is what is happening in the example you provided, except a scale transformation is being used, as indicated by the leading s
in transform: "s1.1 1.1.
. A scale will make the object bigger.
Here, you want to use a translation which moves the object but doesn't make it bigger - it uses a t
Here is a slightly edited block of code that will do this:
p.mouseover(function () {
var distance = 20;
var xShiftTo = distance*Math.cos(-popangle * rad);
var yShiftTo = distance*Math.sin(-popangle * rad);
p.stop().animate({transform: "t" + xShiftTo + " " + yShiftTo}, ms, "bounce");
txt.stop().animate({opacity: 1}, ms, "bounce");
}).mouseout(function () {
p.stop().animate({transform: ""}, ms, "bounce");
txt.stop().animate({opacity: 0}, ms);
In the example, distance
refers to how far the slice should move away (so feel free to adjust this), xShiftTo
and yShiftTo
calculate the x, y values that the object should shift by, relative to where they currently are. Note that this is a little complicated - you need to figure out the x, y values at a given angle away from the pie centre. The positioning of the text also does something like this, so I just took the required maths from there. Also, I just left the bounce
animation, but you can change that to linear
or whatever you want. Hope that helps.
Solution 2:
You should probably be using .hover which is built into Raphael. See documentation here: http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.hover
Working off of Oli's example I was able to figure out most of the basic animation principles. Not being a math guru there were a lot of gaps to fill in for the example. Here is a fully functioning version (tested). Enjoy!
pie.hover(function () {
// Stop all existing animationthis.sector.stop();
// Collect/Create variablesvar rad = Math.PI / 180;
var distance = 50; // Amount in pixels to push graph segment outvar popangle = this.sector.mangle; // Pull angle right out of segment objectvar ms = 300; // Time in milliseconds// Setup shift variables to move pie segmentsvar xShiftTo = distance*Math.cos(-popangle * rad);
var yShiftTo = distance*Math.sin(-popangle * rad);
this.sector.animate({transform: "t" + xShiftTo + " " + yShiftTo}, ms, "linear");
}, function () {
// Passing an empty transform property animates the segment back to its default locationthis.sector.animate({ transform: '' }, ms, "linear");
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