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Angular Ui-router Set Website Entry Point. Redirect To Home Url

I'm using Angular with UI-router and I want the user to always (or under most conditions, but for brevity we can say 'always') enter the web app on step1, my home page. UI-router c

Solution 1:

To solve this problem you can also use $stateChangeStart event.

function(event, toState, toParams, fromState, fromParams){
  if ( === '' && !== 'state1'){


Solution 2:

I think this is what you're after -

.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {


        .state('step1', {
          url: "/step1",
          templateUrl: "partials/step1.html",
          controller: "step1Ctrl"

        .state('step2', {
          parent: 'step1',
          url: "/step2",
          templateUrl: "partials/step2.html",
          controller: "step2Ctrl"

        .state('step3', {
          parent: 'step2',
          url: "/step3",
          templateUrl: "partials/step3.html",
          controller: "step3Ctrl"

    // route to root if no valid route found$urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/step1');


Here is a button that would navigate to step 2 after clicking it -

<button ui-sref="step2">Step 2</button>

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