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Add A Legal Notice To A Website Made Of Separate Pages

The website is made by hand. Not with Wordpress or any PHP-type database. Upon creation of this website over 15 years ago, we did not

Solution 1:

Chris G had it right. Thanks Chris. My congratulations to you. I did not believe the answer I received so I dug more.

Yes, Chris, I mean the confidential information that you uncovered ;-) I positively hate robots and just mean to hide this address from their prying clutches.

There is a bug in your suggestion (I think), in that it kills the link to the mailer. Editing this slight bug is easy. Then, as a true unbeliever, I first replaced the /legalnotice.html by

The code is below

/* "Contactez nous"
    Crée un message comportant l'adresse mail de l'abeille
    et un texte dans le champ objet
*/// D&eacute;finition d'une variable contenant le d&eacute;but du code HTMLvar liencontact="<a href='mailto:";

/* Ajout des diff&eacute;rents &eacute;l&eacute;ments de l'adresse mail
   dans la variable
liencontact +="abeille-cyclotourisme";
liencontact +="@";
liencontact +="";
liencontact +="?subject=%5BAbeille%5D%20Demande%20d%27information'>";

// Affichage de la variable et du texte "contactez-nous"document.write("<a href=''>Fiche juridique</a> - "+liencontact+"Contactez-nous @<\/a>");

This code works allright, but in contains the website address, which is not what I want. Also, it is *not what Chris G has suggested. Then I tried (since Chris G suggested it):

/* "Contactez nous"
    Crée un message comportant l'adresse mail de l'abeille
    et un texte dans le champ objet
*/// D&eacute;finition d'une variable contenant le d&eacute;but du code HTMLvar liencontact="<a href='mailto:";

/* Ajout des diff&eacute;rents &eacute;l&eacute;ments de l'adresse mail
   dans la variable
liencontact +="abeille-cyclotourisme";
liencontact +="@";
liencontact +="";
liencontact +="?subject=%5BAbeille%5D%20Demande%20d%27information'>";

// Affichage de la variable et du texte "contactez-nous"document.write("<a href='/legalnotice.html'>Fiche juridique</a> - "+liencontact+"Contactez-nous @<\/a>");

That script does not work locally. The address /legalnotice.html does not go anywhere, locally. However, when uploaded on the server, it works like a miracle. The server is Dreamhost's Debian Linux server. Is that the reason it works on the server while it does not work locally ? TIA

Anyway, thanks Chris G. Your advice is a perfect solution to my question. It works !!! I just don't know why it works :-(

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