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Using $attrs To Evaluate Attribute With Curly Braces In It

I am creating a file upload directive which uses the following markup. $interpolate in your controller , considering you are not using isolated scope.

To get the proper value in the controller you can use either $parse or $interpolate depending upon what you have passed through your directive's attributes. If you passed just the name of the property then you can use $parse otherwise if you have an interpolated string you need to use $interpolate which gets executed in the given context.

In your case you need to use $interpolate like below


<bodyng-app='app'ng-controller='mCTRL'><h1>Hello Plunker!</h1><file-uploadname="myUploader"upload-url="{{url}}/files"auto-upload="true"

Your Directive should look like below


     var myUrl=$interpolate($attrs.uploadUrl)($scope)




Solution 2:

You can access your directive's attributes through it's link function shown below, you can use this to set the value from the attribute

main.directive('fileUpload', function () {
    return {
    link: function ($scope, elem, attr) {

        $scope.uploadUrl = attr.upload-url; //note attr.upload-url might cause problems, not sure if you can have dashed attribute names



Solution 3:

If you put your logic in a link function instead of a controller, then the attrs.uploadUrl passed to the attrs argument of that link function will already be interpolated for you. That is how I would recommend solving your problem, although the solution proposed by Rishi will work as well.

app.directive('fileUpload', function() {
  return {
    restrict : 'EA',
    link : function(scope, elem, attrs) {
      var myUrl = attrs.uploadUrl;

The only reason I have ever found to use a directive controller rather than a link function is when I actually want to inject that controller into another directive via the require property for facilitating inter-directive communication.

Note however that if some parent directive defines scope properties you want interpolated in its own post-link function, they will not be defined yet in a descendant's post-link, as those run in reverse from leaf to root. If you run into that issue you should use the pre-link function to define such properties on the scope so that they are available where you want them.

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