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Node.js: Regular Expression To Get "from: " And "to: "

Given this text file: Received: from unknown (HELO ([]) by with ESMTP; 12 Apr 2011 1

Solution 1:

Try this:


//var rePattern = new RegExp(/^Received:(.*)$/);var rePattern = newRegExp(/^Subject:(.*)$/);

var arrMatches = strText.match(rePattern);


arrMatches[0] -> Subject: test
arrMatches[1] -> test

Solution 2:

This question was just suggested to me (even though it's quite old!?) and I think the accepted answer doesn't exactly do what was asked for (get every field + body), so I thought I'll share this...

To get each header and its value there is a quite simple regex ( with two capture groups, that also allows line breaks within a value (if indented):

var pattern = /(.+):\s(.+(?:\n +)?.+)?/g;

The pairs can be retrieved like

var match;
while (match = pattern.exec(string)) {
    console.log(match[1] + ": "match[2]);

It's even simpler to get the body (, because it has to be separated from the headers with two new-line characters:

var body = string.match(/\n\n([\s\S]+)/)[1];

That matches anything after the two \n (whitespace and non-whitespace).

See this fiddle for a complete example:

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