Javascript Logical Operators And Results
Solution 1:
Since javascript is not a typed languaged any object can be used on logical operators, if this object is null, a false boolean, an empty string, a 0 or an undefined variable then it acts like a false
if it's anything else then it is like a true
At the end of the logical operation the last checked value returns.
Check first value ->"6"6 = true
Go to next value ->"2"2 = true
End of operation, return last value. 2 which would work the same as true if passed to another logical operation.
Edit: that was a wrong statement. 6||2
returns 6
because 6
acting as true
is enough to know the condition OR
is true without the need to check the next value.
It is really the same way as in
Checkfirstvalue-> "true"
Check next value-> "true"
returnlastvalue-> "true"
And for 6 && 0 && 2
Next value0=false
Stop operation here and returns the last checked value: 0.
The | operator is a whole different thing, it simply peforms a logical OR on the bits of the input values, as explaned on the other answer by akp.
Solution 2:
Actually what you have derived are the pure digital
when u perform 3|4......
it is equivalent to011|100......i.e the ORoperator which is the one of the bases of all logical operations
will give 111 ie 7.............
so u will get3|4as7......
hope u understand..
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