How To Record Microphone Audio In Javascript And Submit To Dialogflow?
How can I record audio from the microphone in JavaScript and submit it to DialogFlow, without going through a server?
Solution 1:
There are two parts to this question:
- How to record microphone audio in a format DialogFlow will understand.
- How to actually submit that audio to DialogFlow, with proper authentication.
Part 1
For recording microphone audio in a format DialogFlow will understand, I use opus-recorder, then convert the blob it returns using the code below:
functionBlobToDataURL(blob: Blob) {
returnnewPromise((resolve, reject)=>{
const reader = newFileReader();
reader.addEventListener("loadend", e=>resolve(reader.resultasstring));
}) asPromise<string>;
const micRecorder = newRecorder({
encoderSampleRate: 16000,
originalSampleRateOverride: 16000, // necessary due to Google bug? ( PATH_TO_ENCODER_WORKER_JS,
micRecorder.ondataavailable = async typedArray=>{
const audioData = newBlob([typedArray], {type: "audio/ogg"});
const audioData_dataURL = awaitBlobToDataURL(audioData);
const audioData_str = audioData_dataURL.replace(/^data:.+?base64,/, "");
// here is where you need part 2, to actually submit the audio to DialogFlow
Part 2
To submit the audio-data to DialogFlow, see my answer here:
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