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Retrieve Imdb Poster Picture With Php/js

Is there a way I can retrieve the IMDB main poster image for a certain film, if I just have the url to the film page? ( Using php, perhaps js/jquery

Solution 1:

Yes, you can retreive IMDB movie posters.Firstly, You must connect IMDB website by the curl or php's file_get_contents(); function.Also, you should parse HTML and you should find a regular expression and you must get the link of image.I explained simple of code in the following segment:

<?php$URL = "There will be movie detail page";
    $DetailPage = file_get_content($URL);
    $ImageSource = preg_match("/ regex will be here /i",$DetailPage,$ImageSource); //Here you must find a image from source.$Image_Tag = $ImageSource[0]; // it's a image tag from IMDB you should get inside of src=""
    $ImageLink = ...
    $PosterImage = file_get_contents($ImageLink);
    file_put_contents("your_image_folder/your_posters_name.jpg", $PosterImage);


UPDATED: I would not information about, there is a IMDB API and it's simple and easy to getting image url from API.You have to parse json if you have to use API.There is a simple code for getting image from IMDB by API in the following segment of code:

<?php$URL = "";
$Page = file_get_contents($URL);
$MovieInformations = json_decode($Page);
$Poster = $MovieInformations["Poster"];

$GetImage = file_get_contents($Poster);
file_put_contents("your_image_folder/your_posters_name.jpg", $GetImage);

Solution 2:

You can use php scripting to get the data from another site follow the method below

1) Add file 'simple_html_dom.php' available on internet

set_time_limit(o); include_once('simple_html_dom.php');

2) Define the function scraping_IMDB and saveImg :

    $html = file_get_html($url);

    $ret['path'] = '';
     foreach($html->find('div[class="post"] img[class="wp-post-image"]') as$e)
      $ret['path'] = $e->src;



  $i = file_get_contents($url);
  $name = end(explode('/',rtrim($url,'/')));
  $f = fopen('photos/'.$name,'w+');

3) call the finction with the url:

$ret = scraping_IMDB('');

Solution 3:

Thanks for inputs. I found, the easiest and simplest way for me is to use this:

  $source = file_get_contents(''.$imdbid);
  $decode = json_decode($source, true);

First, extract the movie id from the url, and then use getImage($theidfromtheurl). Voila

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