Populating Dropdown By Looping Through An Array Of Objects
http://jsfiddle.net/5m86J/6/ returnLOB =[ { id: 1, name:'CIB' }, { id: 2, name:'GTI' } ] The Above is the array of objects.I need t
Solution 1:
You need to use .append() instead of .html()
Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the end of each element in the set of matched elements.
$('#LOBSelect').find('select[name="lob-select"]').append($('<option/>', {
value: returnLOB[j].name,
text: returnLOB[j].name,
id: returnLOB[j].id
Solution 2:
Demo :http://jsfiddle.net/lotusgodkk/5m86J/7/
for (var j = 0; j < returnLOB.length; j++){
$('#LOBSelect').find('select[name="lob-select"]').append($('<option/>', {
value: returnLOB[j].name,
text: returnLOB[j].name,
id: returnLOB[j].id
Solution 3:
This could be done like this: http://jsfiddle.net/bX8nK/3/
var returnLOB = [{
id: 1,
name: "CIB"
}, {
id: 2,
name: "GTI"
$(returnLOB).each(function() {
var lob = this;
$('#LOBSelect select[name=lob-select]').append(
$('<option/>', {
value: lob.name,
text: lob.name,
id: lob.id
The .find() method which is called directly after the selector, could be made more efficient/readable by extending the selector itself.
Solution 4:
Try this:
for (var i = 0; i < returnLOB .length; i++) {
$("#lobSelect").append("<option id='"+returnLOB [i].Name+"' value='" + returnLOB [i].Name+ "'>" + result.results[i].Name + "</option>");
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