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Populate A Dropdown List By Grouping Using Angularjs

I have a dropdown list which is used for holding Email Templates . Now , I have categorized this into two types of Templates . One is 'User Generated Templates' and other 'System G

Solution 1:

Assuming the following structure for the templates :

$scope.templates = [{
    type: 'Email',
    name: 'Template u1'
}, {
    type: 'Email',
    name: 'Template u2'
}, {
    type: 'System',
    name: 'Template s1'
}, {
    type: 'Email',
    name: 'Template u3'
}, {
    type: 'System',
    name: 'Template s2'
}, {
    type: 'System',
    name: 'Template s3'

If you want to group them by type in the dropdown you will declare your select element like that :

<selectng-model="template"ng-options=" group by template.type for template in templates"><optionvalue=''>Select a template</option></select>

Refer to this fiddle

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