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Merge N Object From Array Into One Array Based On Id

I'm trying to merge n objects from an array of objects listed below. I tried to use reduce method, but I can't understand what I'm doing wrong, still new to advance js methods. c

Solution 1:

In your code, if you already have a r[id], you didn't assign the rest values. So change it like this:

const result = Object.values(
  array.reduce((r, { data }) => {
    Object.entries(data).forEach(([id, { ...el }]) => {
      r[id] = {
        ...r[id], // this is the point
    return r;
  }, {})

Solution 2:

Here's one way that combines map, reduce, and entries Array methods.

const array = [
      data: {
        '1': {
          foo: 'bar',
          test: true
        '4': {
          foo: 'boor'
      data: {
        '1': {
          x: 'o',
          test2: false
const merged = =>, el) => {
  Object.entries(el).forEach(([key, obj]) => {
    if(!acc[key]) acc[key] = {};
    acc[key] = { ...acc[key], ...obj };
  return acc;
}, {});

const mergedArr = Object.entries(merged).reduce((acc, [key, obj]) => {
    id: key,
  return acc;
}, []);


Solution 3:

var array = [
        data: {
            '1': {
                foo: 'bar',
                test: true
            '4': {
                foo: 'boor'
        data: {
            '1': {
                x: 'o',
                test2: false

var mergedObject = [];
array.forEach(data =>Object.keys( => mergedObject = {
    [id]: {


var mergedArray = Object.keys(mergedObject).map(id => ({


Solution 4:

Assuming an array of objects with ids, I've done this often and it's just two steps.

  1. group by id to create an index. (_.groupBy is from underscorejs but a common op)
  2. pluck the values from the index.
Object.vals(_.groupBy(arr, function(item){

From an FP perspective, do one thing at a time to get the data into a shape that the next step can readily use. Don't try to do two things at once.

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