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Image Source In Async Function?

I am trying to render an image being called within an asynchronous function, but the value is not assigned based on API data response. Code: import React from 'react'; import { To

Solution 1:

Why it does not work

asd() is an async function. That means, it will return a promise, NOT the value (your base64 string). Read more about that here.

How it can be solved

Well, you could just do ${await this.asd()}. Because you are using await, you'd have to make render() async. But that is not possible in react. Besides, you'd be refetching the data on every component rerender.

A better approach would be to put the data in the state of your component:

// You can supply a default value as argument to useState()const [avatarSrc, setAvatarSrc] = React.useState(""); 

// To retrieve the value:<Avatarsource={{uri:avatarSrc,

Then you can fetch your data with the useEffect hook:

React.useEffect(() => {
  .then((data) =>setAvatarSrc(`data:image/png;base64,${data}`))
}, []);

Note the empty array as second parameter. This prevents from refetching on every new render, see

Solution 2:

If you call this.asd() you will just render [object Promise] because asd is an async function, which returns a promise.

You need to load the photo in useEffect(() => { /* loado the photo */}, [])

exportdefaultfunctionAppointments({ data }) {
  const [uri, setUri] = React.useState('')  

  React.useEffect(() => {
    const asd = async () => {
      const user = data.item.userLogin.toLowerCase();
      const response = await axios.get(
        `$filter=tolower(userId) eq '${user}'`,
          auth: {
            username: 'Apiuser',
            password: 'Apipass',
      const encodedData =[0].photo.toString();
  }, [])

  return (
          uri: `data:image/png;base64,${uri}`,


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