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How To Use Emscripten Compiled Javascript Within React / React Native

I'm currently using Emscripten to compile a basic C function into JavaScript to use within a React Native project. However, when I import Module from inside React code, the Module

Solution 1:

I stumbled across a MODULARIZE setting in the Emscripten docs here. I edited the emcc command:

emcc ping.c -o ping.js -s WASM=0 -s ENVIRONMENT=web -s EXTRA_EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS='["cwrap"]' -s MODULARIZE=1

MODULARIZE=1 being the magic bit

Now within the index.js file:

letModule= require('./ping.js'); // Your Emscripten JS output fileletpingIt= Module().cwrap('pingIt'); // Call Module as a functionmodule.exports = pingIt;

Now in the React component you can import pingIt from '<file-location>'; and call the function like any other pingIt().

Hope someone finds this useful! I couldn't find many examples of using Emscripten alongside React.

Solution 2:

I used a slightly different approach to call the ping.c function from React Native, by defining an EXPORT_NAME for the module and creating the module whenever it's appropriate in your code.

Using Emscripten emsdk:

emcc ping.c -o ping.js -s WASM=0 -s ENVIRONMENT=web -s MODULARIZE=1 -s "EXPORT_NAME='createPingModule'"

In the React Native component (App.tsx):

import createPingModule from'./ping';


  .then(module => {
    console.log('Module created!');
    let a = module._pingIt();

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