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How To Store Image Tiles In File System For Leaflet.js

i got a link which try to explain how to store image tiles in file system but not very clear to me. here is the url

Solution 1:

Ok I'll try to explain.

First z = zoom level, x=longitude, y=latitude

Longitude and latitude are not real value taken from the map projection but grid indexes.

The way you store the tiles is like this:

  1. First parent folder: z (zoom level)
  2. Child folders: all x at this zoom level
  3. Images names: all y at this x position and this zoom level

If you want to store for instance the following tile: /0/0/0.png

  • Folder: 0
  • Subfolder: 0
  • 0.png

At zoom level 0, habitually there is only on tile for the whole world so only a subfolder 0 (for the x) and an image 0.png (for the y). At each zoom level the number of images increase exponentially.

For the /12/6/7.png

  • Folder: 12
  • Subfolder: 6
  • 7.png

Feel free to ask for more details if something is not clear.

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