How To Replace Double/multiple Slash To Single In Url
Solution 1:
You may use
var res = s.replace(/(https?:\/\/)|(\/)+/g, "$1$2"); // orvar res = s.replace(/(:\/\/)|(\/)+/g, "$1$2"); // if you do not care of the : contextvar res = s.replace(/(?<!:)\/\/+/g, "/"); // Same as 2) if your environment supports ECMAScript 2018
See this regex demo or this regex demo, or yet another demo.
- captures thehttp://
into Group 1|
- or(\/)+
- one or more slashes are matched and only one/
is kept in Group 2
In the replacement, $1
inserts the Group 1 contents back into the result (restoring the protocol) and the $2
backreference only inserts a single slash.
var s = "";
var res = s.replace(/(https?:\/\/)|(\/)+/g, "$1$2");
Solution 2:
var = '';
The output is ''.
The mode '[^http:]' means that not match h t p : , all these 4 characters.
Solution 3:
For an explanation of what is wrong with your regexp, you can try this online Regexp tester:
For one thing, [^] is different from ^[]. [] checks for individual characters within except the special terms A-Z, a-z, 0-9, A-z etc...[^] matches characters that are not within.
So your regexp is basically this: Match an expression starting with a character than is not h, not t, not p, not:, and then followed by two or more /
The results are one 0// for the full match , and // for the () term, at the same location. The other //s are preceded by either : or t, and hence not matched.
Solution 4:
This method for PHP, but logic fo JS is same. Not use regexp for replace slashes in url. This method incorrect for many urls, like:
Regexp found all matches but you can't replace it correctly. Simple way use while or do, ex:
$req_uri = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$s = "//";
$check = strstr($req_uri, $s);
while($check !== false){
$req_uri = str_replace($s, "/", $req_uri);
$check = strstr($req_uri, $s);
If you know better way - tell me.
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