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Ace Editor, How To Remove All Keybindings But One?

I recently had a textarea on my jsp page For it, I had my own shortcuts on the keyboard Then, I implemented the ace editor, and all my old keybindings didn't work then Then i searc

Solution 1:

delete editor.keyBinding; is not a good solution, it will produce error messages in console

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ctrl-d' of undefined at CommandManager.handleKeyboard (ace.js:10830) at KeyBinding.$callKeyboardHandlers (ace.js:4081) at KeyBinding.onCommandKey (ace.js:4113) at Editor.onCommandKey (ace.js:12424) at normalizeCommandKeys (ace.js:1648) at HTMLTextAreaElement. (ace.js:1667)

Option 1: delete all bindings and redefine the one we need.

//safely delete all bindings
editor.keyBinding.$defaultHandler.commandKeyBinding = {}
//bind the wanted command
    name: "removeline",
    bindKey: { win: "Ctrl-D", mac: "Command-D" },
    exec: function(editor) { editor.removeLines(); },
    scrollIntoView: "cursor",
    multiSelectAction: "forEachLine"

now that you have the command defined, you can call it from your own code if needed:


Option 2: actually looping through the bindings.

using for (key in obj) to loop through the key bindings and deleting keys that are not equal to ctrl-d and command-d:

for (key in editor.keyBinding.$defaultHandler.commandKeyBinding) {
    if (key !== "ctrl-d" && key !== "command-d")
        delete editor.keyBinding.$defaultHandler.commandKeyBinding[key]

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