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User Uploaded Textures In Three.js

Here you will find a jsFiddle adaptation of the problem. I would like to create a 3d web application in which the user is able to select an image file on their local machine:

Solution 1:

The solution actually turns out to be commonly used to preview local images prior to, say, uploading them a server. The image you are trying to render is converted to a data url where restrictions about cross origin policies do not apply. The corrected code is located here. What follows is the meat of it:

userImage = $("#userImage")[0];
if (userImage.files && userImage.files[0]) {
    var reader = newFileReader();

    reader.onload = function (e) {
        image.src =;


Solution 2:

I also had this problem, but I had almost exact code only I was using

varmap = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture( );

So I had to replace that code with

var image = document.createElement( 'img' );
var texture = newTHREE.Texture( image );
image.onload = function()  {
    texture.needsUpdate = true;

and that solved the problem..

Solution 3:

I have an example as a solution: libraries use: - modal - jcrop - html5canvas Greetings.

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