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Unable To Get All The Jobs Inside A Cluster Using @kubernetes/client-node

I am using @kubernetes/client-node to access Kubernetes server API. I can get all the Pods from default using: const k8s = require('@kubernetes/client-node'); const kc = new k8s.K

Solution 1:

You have to pass the Kube config file location instead of any YAML file

const { KubeConfig } = require('kubernetes-client')
const kubeconfig = newKubeConfig()
constRequest = require('kubernetes-client/backends/request')

const backend = newRequest({ kubeconfig })
const client = newClient({ backend, version: '1.13' })

However if you are planning to run the POD or container on K8s cluster you can also use : kc.loadFromCluster();

If you want to pass any YAML and apply those changes to cluster you can use the

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