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Ng-if Should Show Only One Object

Hi dear Stackoverflow Community i have a problem. First here is my Code: html:

Solution 1:

If you don't want to touch your markup and want the oi-offer-edit element to be repeated, you have to use a boolean property on the offer object itself:

<md-cardmd-theme-watchflex="100"ng-repeat="offer in company.offers"><md-buttonclass="..."ng-click="offer.formVisible = !offer.formVisible"><oi-offer-editoffer="offer"is-change="true"ng-if="offer.formVisible"></oi-offer-edit></md-card>

Solution before i realized, that you want to have that directive in every md-card:

You might want to place your oi-offer-edit element outside your ng-repeat container, because as far as i see it in your snippet, you only need one with the offer-data of the selected company.offers.

So you could just cache the offer on the click handler and make your oi-offer-edit visible. Something like this:

<md-card md-theme-watch flex="100" ng-repeat="offer in company.offers">
     vm.currentSelectedOffer = selectedOffer;
     vm.isEditVisible = !vm.isEditVisible;

Solution 2:

Solution 3:

If you want to toggle the visibility of oi-offer-edit independently of each offer object then you should move the boolean flag you're checking in the ng-if directive into the offers array.

Check the below example it will help you accomplish what you want to do.

   .module('demo', [])
   .controller('DefaultController', DefaultController);
   functionDefaultController() {
    var vm = this; = {
      offers: [
        { id: 1, name: 'Offer 1' },
        { id: 2, name: 'Offer 2' },
        { id: 3, name: 'Offer 3' }
    vm.setEditVisibility = setEditVisibility;
    functionsetEditVisibility(id) {
      for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
        if ([i].id === id) {
[i].isEditVisible = ![i].isEditVisible;
<scriptsrc=""></script><divng-app="demo"><divng-controller="DefaultController as ctrl"><divng-repeat="offer in">
      <buttonng-click="ctrl.setEditVisibility(">Toggle Edit Visibility</button><spanng-if="offer.isEditVisible">{{}} Edit Details</span></div></div></div>

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