Marker Scales Greater Than 1 Ignored When Using A Kml Layer With The Google Maps Api
We're using the Google Maps API and rendering a KML layer with markers. The marker icons though are not rendering at scales greater then 1 even though the scales are defined. If I
Solution 1:
Related issue from the issue tracker: Issue 2444: Using KML layers with icons smallere then 32x32px (from Feb 13, 2013).
KML scale tag is supported but is currently implemented as the scale of '32x32' final icon, i.e. your supplied icon image will be resized to 32x32 first (aspect ratio conserved), regardless of its original size. Then the scale tag, whose valid value can only be between (0,1], is applied. For example, 0.5 of a 64x64 png image will result in a 16x16 map icon.
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