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How To Set Title In Window Popup When Url Points To A Pdf File?

In javascript I create a URL which points to a PDF and open a new window. The window title contains the URL which I would like to hide from the user. I tried the following suggest

Solution 1:

You cannot hide the URL that way, but you can create a popup window with custom content and embed the PDF file inside, instead of directly linking to the PDF file.


<html><head><title>This is your title</title></head><body><iframesrc="your_pdf_file_link"></iframe></body></html>

But if the client don't have a PDF plugin, they will always receive a "Save As" dialog.

Solution 2:

Use instead onclick of hyperlink. In pass the url of your pdf. this way you would be control the window by setting its tittle, it size etc etc

Solution 3:

Solution 4:

Thanks for the iframe tip. This is what worked for me:

<script type="text/javascript">
var birtwin = null;
var birturl = null;
function birt(report, params) {
    var url = "http://myserver/webapps/birt/run?__report=Report/" + report + "&__lc=<%= user.getLocale() %>&__format=pdf&__runtime=<%= LoginServlet.isTest() ? "test" : "prod"%>&";
    var chk = document.getElementById('chkPageBreak');
    if(chk && chk.checked) url += "PageBreak=true&";
    if(params) {
        params = params.replace('%MMSFAIRID%', '<%= user.getFair().getFairId() %>');
        params = params.replace('%LANGUAGE%', '<%= user.getLocale().getLanguage() %>');
    url += params;
    birturl = url;
    birtwin ='','MMSBIRT', 'menubar=0,location=0,toolbar=0,resizable=1,status=1,scrollbars=1');
    checkbirt(); // start checking

function checkbirt() {     
    if(birtwin.document) { 
        birtwin.document.write('<html><head><title>Bericht / Report</title></head><body height="100%" width="100%"><iframe src="' + birturl + '" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe></body></html>');
    } else { 
        // if not loaded yet
        setTimeout(checkbirt, 10); // check in another 10ms

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