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How To Change The Value Of A Variable Once Per Day In Java/javascript

I'm trying to make an application/script for my school which displays the day's schedule. The catch with this is that my school runs on an 8 day cycle, so that complicates things.

Solution 1:

You can use, say, the getTime() function of the Date object, which returns the current time in milliseconds after January 1, 1970 (source:, and save that value (e.g. in var lastUpdateTime). Then periodically check if the difference between the current time and that saved time is more than a day. If so, update cycleDay, and also update lastUpdateTime to the time when you updated.

For instance, initialize with:

var lastUpdateTime = newDate().getTime();

Somewhere else in your code:

var currentTime = newDate().getTime();
if(currentTime - lastUpdateTime >= 24*60*60*1000) // number of milliseconds in a day
    // update cycleDay
    lastUpdateTime = currentTime;
    // ...

Solution 2:

privateDate lastUpdate = now()-1;
private myDailyChahgedValue;

IntegergetMyDailyChangedValue() {
 if (lastUpdate <> now()) {
  myDailyChahgedValue ++;

return value;


Please note it is an a draft of code what shows main idea

Solution 3:

Use Date and document.cookies to update your variable. Also i used two utility methods to manipulate document.cookies

var today = parseInt(newDate().getTime()/(1000*3600*24))

var cookies = getCookies();

if(cookies["last_updated"] && cookies["last_updated"]<today) 
    /* update variable */setCookie("last_updated", today, 1);


/* utility methods starts, adding utility methods to simplify setting and getting    cookies  */functionsetCookie(name, value, daysToLive) {
   var cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
   if (typeof daysToLive === "number")
      cookie += "; max-age=" + (daysToLive*60*60*24);
   document.cookie = cookie;

functiongetCookies() {
    var cookies = {}; // The object we will returnvar all = document.cookie; // Get all cookies in one big stringif (all === "") // If the property is the empty stringreturn cookies; // return an empty objectvar list = all.split("; "); // Split into individual name=value pairsfor(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // For each cookievar cookie = list[i];
       var p = cookie.indexOf("="); // Find the first = signvar name = cookie.substring(0,p); // Get cookie namevar value = cookie.substring(p+1); // Get cookie value
       value = decodeURIComponent(value); // Decode the value
       cookies[name] = value; // Store name and value in object
  return cookies;
/* utility methods ends */

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