How Do I Put A Localstorage Var Inside My Ng-show ? (angular Js/firebase)
SITUATION: When I load a page and didn't log in yet, everything works fine and I only see Login and Register in my nav as should be the case. But when I log in and I load any page
Solution 1:
You can use the angular ng-cloak
directive in order to prevent the AngularJS html template from being briefly displayed by the browser in its raw (uncompiled) form while your application is loading.
<htmlng-app="app"ng-cloak><ulclass="nav navbar-nav"><ling-show="!authenticated"><ahref="/users/register">JOIN</a></li><ling-show="!authenticated"><ahref="/users/login">Login</a></li><ling-show="authenticated"><ahref="/users/profile">ME</a></li><ling-show="authenticated"onclick="signOut();"><a>Logout</a></li></ul></html>
You should use the $window
service to access variable created outside of the scope of your controller. On top of that, you should not create the (almost) same controller twice.
Using something like that (not tested):
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(function(user) {
console.log("CURRENT USER:" + firebase.auth().currentUser);
app.controller('ctrl', function($rootScope, $window) {
$scope.authenticated = $window.user != null;
// Compile the whole <body> with the angular module named "app"
angular.bootstrap(document.body, ['app']);
For local storage, you just need to use the regular one:
//Set itemlocalStorage.setItem("authenticated", JSON.stringify(firebaseUser));
//Get item
$scope.authenticated = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("authenticated"));
Solution 2:
You have declared the $rootScope, but I don't see where you injected..
Remember all dependencies have to be injected through the $inject dependency..
Var app = controller('mycontroller', ['$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
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