I'm iterating over an object using dom-repeat, and want to reference different icons from an SVG sprite sheet with each iteration. To add an icon, I'm trying to use the
Solution 1:
I had exactly the same problem before and ended up using iron-iconset-svg (https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-icons?active=iron-iconset-svg ), which in my opinion provides a cleaner/easier solution. Its simply a wrapper for your SVG sprite sheet, so you define your icons almost the same way and use them with iron-icon.
Defining a custom iconset (put it directly into the page or wrap it inside an element + set a name that describes the icons, here: 'your-iconset-name')
<iron-iconset-svg name ="your-iconset-name" size ="24" > <svg > <defs > <g id ="your-icon-name" > <rect x ="12" y ="0" width ="12" height ="24" /> <circle cx ="12" cy ="12" r ="12" /> </g > </defs > </svg > </iron-iconset-svg >
Copy If you wrap them, lets say in 'your-custom-iconset', you can include the iconset like this:
<your-custom-iconset > </your-custom-iconset >
Copy Using icons
When you need an icon you just include iron-icons (https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-icons ) and place it like this:
<iron-icon icon ="your-iconset-name:your-icon-name" > </iron-icon >
Copy You can then give it a class to apply styling and don't need to use 'fill' for its color, just use 'color'.
Applied to your example:
<template is ='dom-repeat' items ="{{currentPlan.functionalities}}" > <div class ="resourceRow rowParent" > <div class ="functionIconContainer columnParent" > <iron-icon icon $="your-iconset-name:{{item.id}}" > </iron-icon > </div > </div > </template >
Copy Solution 2:
Ok, not sure if this really counts as an answer, but it fixes my immediate problem. I've attached an on-dom-change
event handler to the dom-repeat block, which gets called on well, DOM changes.
Then I loop through each icon container and set its innerHTML to itself. I don't know what it does, but it somehow forces a re-evaluation of that part of the DOM, causing my icons to show up. It's the simplest of code:
_forceRedraw : function ( ){
var functionIcons = document .querySelectorAll ('div.functionIconContainer' );
_.each (functionIcons, function (iconContainer ){
iconContainer.innerHTML = iconContainer.innerHTML ;
Copy 'Lo, it works!
Solution 3:
A workaround is to add the attribute statically in addition to the binding
<svg > <use xlink:href ="" xlink:href $="{{ _getIconURL(item.id) }}" /> </svg >
Copy Polymer has issues with creating the attribute, updating it works fine though.
Solution 4:
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