Extracting Between Two Words From Multiline Textarea
On a create topic page I have a textarea which is filled in partially by code. Everything between the confidential tags is added by this code. There is some text in the message!
Solution 1:
Like this
var re = /{sitedetails}([\S\s]*?){\/sitedetails}/gm,
urlRe = /Site URL:(.*)\n/var str = $(".editor").val(), newStr = re.exec(str);
newStr = newStr ? newStr[1].trim() : "";
if (newStr) {
var url = newStr.match(urlRe);
if (url) url = url[1].trim();
<scriptsrc="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script><textareaclass="editor"rows="10">There is some text in the message!
Site URL: example.com
Site Username: test
Site Password: test
FTP URL: ftp.domain.com
FTP Username: test
FTP Password: test
Optional Information: Just some text for testing purposes!
Solution 2:
Well, for what I understand, and I may be wrong, you want to extract everything that is between Site URL: and Site Username: on the given string, and perhaps store it into a variable, then you can extract from a string this way:
sdCheck.split(/(Site URL:|Site Username:)/g)[Math.round((sdCheck.split(/(Site URL:|Site Username:)/g).length - 1) / 2)].trim();
This way you can get it. And what was done there is:
Split the string in an array with a regex. this way you will always get a odd length array.
Select the middle position of the array with Math.round and division.
A trim to remove whitespace.
This logic will only work if there is only one Site URL: and Site Username: match in the string, but it can be transformed for other scenarios.
var textarea = document.getElementById('textarea');
functionextract() {
var text = textarea.value;
document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = text.split(/(Site URL:|Site Username:)/g)[Math.round((text.split(/(Site URL:|Site Username:)/g).length - 1) / 2)].trim();
textarea.addEventListener('keyup', function() {
<textareaid="textarea"style="height: 200px; display: inline-block">
There is some text in the message!
Site URL: example.com
Site Username: test
Site Password: test
FTP URL: ftp.domain.com
FTP Username: test
FTP Password: test
Optional Information: Just some text for testing purposes!
</textarea><divid="result"style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: top"></div>
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