Why Alert Works Only On First Row?
I use Zebra Dialog and I'm trying to make an alert set off every time a Delete is clicked. The alert is only working when I click Delete in the first row. All rows below it does no
Solution 1:
Id's must be unique.That's creating problems here.So to make your code work make some small changes by changing it's to class.
change mark up to
then in jquery
$(".delete").bind("click",function(e){ <----- class selector
$.Zebra_Dialog("Do you want to delete?",{
// send an ajax request here based up on the user selection
If you are a beginner please go through the standard guide here.
Solution 2:
ID attribute of an element must be unique value in a document, In your case all the delete links has the same ID. If you have multiple elements sharing a common behavior then use a common class attribute to group them together.
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".delete").bind("click", function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
$.Zebra_Dialog("Do you want to delete?", {
type: "question",
title: "Question",
buttons: ['Delete', 'Cancel'],
onClose: function (caption) {
if (caption == 'Delete') {
url: 'delete.php',
data: {
id: $this.data('id')
alert('there was an error while deleting the record')
//code required to delete the record from server goes in here
Demo: Fiddle
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