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Wait Until Multiple Functions, Which May Or May Not Call Ajax Internally, Are Complete In Jquery?

I am currently validating a few inputs clientside. When the user submits the form, I want to check the values for the form inputs, and then do something once all the checks are com

Solution 1:

I don't see you validate_input function return anything. If you want to wait, you need to return a promise, so that you don't pass undefined to $.when():

    var value=input.val();
    if (value.length<4){
        return …; //code to execute if input is too short
    } else {
        return $.ajax({
 //     ^^^^^^

Solution 2:

var inputsLength = 0, // or maybe set it to $('form input').length
    inputsReady = 0;
    if (++inputsReady === inputsLength) YOURSALLINPUTSAREVALIDFUNCTION();
    inputsLength++; // remove it if you already set inputsLength// blablabla
        type: 'get',
        url: check_input_url,
        data: input.serialize(),
        success: function(data){
            if (data=="invalid") {
                //code to execute if invalid
            } else {

Solution 3:

UPDATE: i just updated my answer. it is more likely to fit your needs now. i've added a parameter to the callback function.

use callbacks with anonymous functions and chain them:

1. add a parameter for the callback function and the callback function call:

functionvalidate_input(input, callback){
    if (value.length<4){
        //code to execute if input is too shortcallback(false);
    else {
            type: 'get',
            url: check_input_url,
            data: input.serialize(),
            success: function(data){
                if (data=="invalid") {
                    //code to execute if invalidcallback(false);
                } else {
                    //code to execute if validcallback(true);

2. when calling your function multiple times, chain it with anonymous functions (which are executed after success in your $.ajax-request has been fired):

$('form').submit(function() {
    var input1 = $('form #input1');
    var input2 = $('form #input2');

    //validate both input valuesvalidate_input(input1, function(result){
        if(result == true)
             validate_input(input2, function(result){
                 if(result == true)
                    //wait until all validation complete to execute code here

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