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Mongoose Seems To Fail Quietly

So have a completely separate issue (I think) which is saving an array to a mongo document. So I took out that part, created a data structure that would have the same issue to try

Solution 1:

You are mixing logic with callbacks and promises. So you do not need the callback, just act on the promise returned:

myOffer._offered = undefined
  .then(function() {
    console.log("I get here and quit?");
  .then(null,function(err) {

I noticed you made another attempt using Bluebird promises, but it is not necessary as if you implement as shown here any errors will be appropriately routed.

Threre are notes that mongooose 5.x is slated to have a more standardised approach to promises and/or directly use Bluebird promises when configured

Solution 2:

OK, found the issue. mongoose save is not promisified (or at least that is what I recon the issue is), changed the first part to use bluebird for promises, then changed the save to use saveAsync as below Schema (and connection, and bluebird)

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
varPromise = require('bluebird');
ObjectId = mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId;

var offerSchema = mongoose.Schema({
    closeDate: Date,
    settleDate: Date,
    schemaVersion: Number,
    _offered: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User'}], //Ids of thos offered_offerDate: { type: Date },// The date they where offered_accepted: [{ type: ObjectId, ref: 'User'}],//Ids of those accepted_acceptedDate: [{ type: Date }], //Dates when accepted

// create the model for users and expose it to our appmodule.exports = mongoose.model('offer', offerSchema);

And the code

var offer = require('../models/offerSchema.js');

var indata = {"offer":{"closeDate":"2015-08-31T13:26:36.512Z","settleDate":"2015-08-31T13:26:36.512Z","type":1,"_offered":[{"id":"55dc7994ed0fcf4a58d4a689"},{"id":"55dcd30915e3be545a51bebd"}],"_offerDate":"2015-08-31T13:26:36.512Z"}}

var thisOffer = indata.offerfor ( var i in thisOffer ){
    console.log("Got "+ i +" is " + thisOffer[i])

var myOffer = newoffer(thisOffer);
myOffer._offered = undefined
        console.log('Got an id: ' + myOffer._id)
        console.log('Got an error: ' + err)

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