Knockoutjs Losing Previous Value When Loading Options After Value
Solution 1:
Generally, I handle this by prepopulating the observableArray with the current value (no need for the text, since you wouldn't likely know it yet).
varviewModel= {
opts:ko.observableArray([{ Id:1 }])
Then, let the observableArray get populated with the actual values when it returns.
For a more generic solution, you could use a custom binding as described in the second part of this answer: Knockout js: Lazy load options for select
This would pre-populate the observableArray for you and take into account that you may or may not have optionsValue
Solution 2:
I can see 2 possible options here. First is to fill opts arrray before applying bindings:
varviewModel= {
{ Id:ko.observable(1), Text:ko.observable("abc") },
{ Id:ko.observable(2), Text:ko.observable("someVal") },
{ Id:ko.observable(3), Text:ko.observable("other") }
Here is fiddle:
Or if for some reason you cannot populate it before applying bindings you can just save value and them assign it again:
var viewModel = {
val: ko.observable(1),
opts: ko.observableArray([])
var value = viewModel.val();
{ Id: ko.observable(1), Text: ko.observable("abc") },
{ Id: ko.observable(2), Text: ko.observable("someVal") },
{ Id: ko.observable(3), Text: ko.observable("other") }
Here is a fiddle:
Solution 3:
Either set the value after populating the options, or subscribe to the options:
viewModel.opts.subscribe(function() {
Solution 4:
I've managed to get it working the way I wanted by commenting out some of the knockout code to avoid ko.dependencyDetection.ignore
ko.bindingHandlers['value']['update'] = function (element, valueAccessor) {
ko.bindingHandlers['options']['update'] = function (element, valueAccessor, allBindings) {
Only problem is that it isn't minified, so switching to the minified library does not work.
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