How To Export Table Displayed On Jsp To Pdf In Java Strust2
Solution 2:
As far as i know unfortunately javascript cannot create pdf files by itself. And i haven't use struts yet. But I recommend you Displaytag library which is very easy to use :)
This is what you need particularly (with code) :
documentation (from beginning to end) :
Solution 3:
To generate a PDF
from an HTML
source in Java, you can use iText's HTMLWorker
module (now deprecated, the new project is XMLWorker, but this depends on the iText version you're using).
You can emulate the table you have on JSP page in an String variable of an Action, let's say CreatePDFAction
Then, from the JSP, call CreatePDFAction
with a submit button (opening the pdf on a new page, if you want).
In Struts.xml, declare CreatePDFAction
result as stream
result type, with the appropriate contentType
), and the desired contentDisposition
for specifying the filename, and the behavior: download it (attachment
) or open it in browser (inline
Inside the CreatePDFAction
action, you receive the String, instantiate a new document and a new HTMLWorker, feed it with the string containing your HTML, then extract the bytes from the resulting PDF and put it in an InputStream exposed through a getter by the action.
Solution 4:
Finaly i got the solution here is the code
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var table = document.getElementById("historyTable");
if (table) {
// If outerHTML property available, use itif (typeof table.outerHTML == 'string') {
// Otherwise, emualte it
} else {
var div = document.createElement('div');
<s:submitonclick="Retrivetable()"value="Export to Pdf"action="ExportToPdf"method="ExportPDF"align="bottom"/>In the action classpublicStringExportPDF()
tablestruct = "<html><head></head><body>"+tablestruct+"</body></html>";
//System.out.println("After concat "+tablestruct);try{
String filePath = ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getRealPath("/testpdf.pdf");
PdfWriter pdfWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, newFileOutputStream(filePath));;
HTMLWorker htmlWorker = newHTMLWorker(document);
File file = newFile(filePath);
inputStream = newDataInputStream( newFileInputStream(file));
catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Solution 5:
I am not sure about struts, I used itextpdf
in JSP.
Hopefuly it will help
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