How To Change The Css Attribute Of #header Using Jquery And An Array Of Images?
I am trying to edit a script that changes the images of a div as shown below, to change the background-image property of #header. As you can see in my fiddle here, http://jsfiddle
Solution 1:
You need a couple of fixes:
- Use a simple increment to keep track of the current image.
- typo: "images" -> "imgs"
- $("img") doesn't select anything, so the JQuery fadeto "complete" callback is never fired (I assume you meant to fade the div itself)
- you need "url('http://...')" for the "background-image" CSS property
functionchangeBg() {
if (i >= imgs.length) i=0;
var val = "url('" + imgs[i++] + "')";
Here is the updated demo.
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