How Do I Create A Style Sheet For An Svg Element?
Solution 1:
As @RobertLongson points out in the comments, the problem is that the SVG specs define a svg:style
element interface, but it doesn't implement the CSS OM interfaces associated with a stylesheet's owner element.
Here are a couple work-around approaches (while waiting for the SVG 2 specs to implement the latest CSS OM specs):
Use an (X)HTML style element. If your SVG code is inline within an (X)HTML document, then the HTML
element can be used to style the SVG. Just make sure that you either create the style element in the default namespace or explicitly create it in the XHTML namespace, so that you get an instance ofHTMLStyleElement
, notSVGStyleElement
.Add the newly-created HTMLStyleElement to the head of your document, and the CSS stylesheet object will be created for you:
var hs = document.createElement("style"); hs.type = "text/css"; document.head.insertBefore(hs, null); hs.sheet.insertRule("circle{fill:red;}", 0);
(Theoretically) Use an xml-stylesheet processing instruction. If your SVG code is in a stand-alone SVG file, then you can use XML processing instructions to link external stylesheets. The processing instruction node provides access to the stylesheet object.
However, unlike a
element, which can be empty, the processing instruction node must link to a file, or the browser will never initialize the stylesheet object. I tried to get around that by defining the external file as an empty data URI of the correct MIME type. It usually, but not consistently, works in FF/Chrome when run from the console, but not from an embedded script. In Chrome, thesheet
property is always null, the same way Chrome treats cross-domain stylesheets; Firefox gives an explicit security error. I assume it won't work at all in IE, which doesn't like non-image data URI files.var xs = document.createProcessingInstruction( "xml-stylesheet", "href='data:text/css,' type='text/css'"); document.insertBefore(xs, document.rootElement); xs.sheet.insertRule("circle{fill:blue;}", 0);
You weren't clear about why you were trying to dynamically create a style sheet. If the intent is to actually link to a valid stylesheet on a same-domain server, then the security problems wouldn't be an issue; the problem is that data URIs are treated as cross-origin.
Use a
element, but then access the stylesheet object usingdocument.styleSheets
(from the comments to the other answer, it seems this is what you're already doing). Cycle through all the stylesheets until you find the one that has your style element as the owner node:var ss = document.createElementNS("", "style"); svgElement.appendChild(ss); var sheets = document.styleSheets, sheet; for(var i=0, length=sheets.length; i<length; i++){ sheet=sheets.item(i); if (sheet.ownerNode == ss) break; } sheet.insertRule("circle{fill:green;}", 0);
This should work regardless of whether or not your SVG is in a stand-alone file.
Solution 2:
You can use style
nodes inside the svg
Example from MDN:
<svgwidth="100%"height="100%"viewBox="0 0 100 100"xmlns=""><style>
/* <![CDATA[ */
circle {
fill: orange;
stroke: black;
stroke-width: 10px;
/* ]]> */
</style><circlecx="50"cy="50"r="40" /></svg>
You can just append them like you would do in HTML.
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
var svg = document.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
Solution 3:
The "sheet" property is missing in SVGStyleElements in IE11 Based on AmeliaBR's answer i made a polyfill:
if (!('sheet'inSVGStyleElement.prototype)) {
Object.defineProperty(SVGStyleElement.prototype, 'sheet', {
var all = document.styleSheets;
for (var i=0, sheet; sheet=all[i++];) {
if (sheet.ownerNode === this) return sheet;
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