How Pass Dom Element Value To Ajax Request (html.pagedlist Parameters)
I am learning ajax requests and I was wondering if I am doing right here. Well I have a page which include pagination, sorting and searching. I am trying to get this by ajax becaus
Solution 1:
My answer here will help you:
You want to capture the user's clicking of a page number in the pager control and rewrite the link before letting it through. This is done on the client via JavaScript onClick
handler on the page numbers; the following handler goes in your jQuery document ready event handler:
$('#pager').find('a[href]').on('click', function (e) {
location.href = this.split('?')[0]
+ "?page=" + getQueryStringValue(this, 0).replace('page=','')
+ "&sortOrder=" + $("#sortOrder").val(); // Add other values if needed
Here's the helper function:
getQueryStringValue: function (anchor, index) {
var queryString = $(anchor).attr('href').split('?')[1];
var values = queryString.split('&');
This line gets us the raw URL without the querystring; this
in this case is the URI:
Setting location.href
is like clicking a link; it'll redirect the page to the indicated URI.
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