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Accessing Select Text Value From Formik Select

I am using the following code from a tutorial as a re-usable component for a Material-UI select: import React from 'react'; import { TextField, MenuItem } from '@material-ui/core';

Solution 1:

This should work:

  1. Define a state in your app.js file to hold the innerText value from the child component (Select.js in this case).

const [innerTextSync, setInnerTextSync] = useState('')

  1. Define a function that changes the state in your app.js:

const updateInnerTextSync=(input)=>{setInnerTextSync(input)}

  1. Pass this function as a prop into Select.js
  1. Within the handleChange function in Select.js file, update the app state by calling the function you passed in earlier.
const handleChange = evt => {
    const { value } =;
    const { innerText } =;
    setFieldValue(name, value);

Now the innerText should be available in ur app file.

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