Multiple Custom Markers With Bing Maps Api
I've got the code to add multiple markers with infoboxes with Bing Maps API, currently using default pin markers. I know there's documentation on adding a custom marker but I'm loo
Solution 1:
You can specify icon path and other properties of push pin icon like below
var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(locs[i], {icon: '', width:'20px', height: '20px'});
Check out the reference documentation for more options.
For random Icon for each location you can configure the icon path in your location variable var pushpinInfos = [];. See the sample code below
Icons I used in the below code is example only. You can create your own Icons and can place in your server and set path of it.
<script>var pinInfobox;
functionGetMap() {
var pushpinInfos = [];
pushpinInfos[0] = { 'lat': 42.0076215, 'lng': 20.9689308, 'title': 'Kipper Market', 'description': 'Braka Miladinovi 178, 1200 Tetovë, Tetovo, Macedonia', 'icon' :'' };
pushpinInfos[1] = { 'lat': 41.799645, 'lng': 20.913514, 'title': 'Kipper Market', 'description': 'Kipper Gostivar', 'icon' :'' };
pushpinInfos[2] = { 'lat': 41.82328, 'lng': 20.962231, 'title': 'Another <a href="">Kipper</a> Market', 'description': 'Kipper Gostivar', 'icon' :'' };
pushpinInfos[3] = { 'lat': 41.80584, 'lng': 21.15498, 'title': 'Salmon Market', 'description': '<a href="">Kipper</a> Gostivar', 'icon' :'' };
pushpinInfos[4] = { 'lat': 42.000900, 'lng': 21.466440, 'title': 'Market', 'description': 'Gostivar', 'icon' :'' };
var infoboxLayer = newMicrosoft.Maps.EntityCollection();
var pinLayer = newMicrosoft.Maps.EntityCollection();
var apiKey = "<api_key>";
var map = newMicrosoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { credentials: apiKey });
// Create the info box for the pushpin
pinInfobox = newMicrosoft.Maps.Infobox(newMicrosoft.Maps.Location(0, 0), { visible: false });
var locs = [];
for (var i = 0 ; i < pushpinInfos.length; i++) {
locs[i] = newMicrosoft.Maps.Location(pushpinInfos[i].lat, pushpinInfos[i].lng);
var pin = newMicrosoft.Maps.Pushpin(locs[i], {icon: pushpinInfos[i].icon, width:'20px', height:'20px'});
pin.Title = pushpinInfos[i].title;
pin.Description = pushpinInfos[i].description;
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'click', displayInfobox);
var bestview = Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromLocations(locs);
map.setView({ center:, zoom: 10 });
functiondisplayInfobox(e) {
pinInfobox.setOptions({ title:, description:, visible: true, offset: newMicrosoft.Maps.Point(0, 25) });
functionhideInfobox(e) {
pinInfobox.setOptions({ visible: false });
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