How To Update Laravel Project After Changing Javascript File And Controller
I added a .blade.php file and modified a controller and javascript file in my laravel project. I'm unable to see the changed on the server(localhost). Is there a command to update/
Solution 1:
Try this:
php artisan view:clear
This will clear all compiled view files
Or other command that you can see by using:
php artisan list
Disable browser cache: Disabling Chrome cache for website development
Solution 2:
Try this. php artisan cache:clear
Solution 3:
To reflect your .js file changes : You can clear the cache in history in the browser.
To reflect your php view file changes : you can delete all autogenerated php files under views folder. path to views folder : Storage -> Frameworks -> Views -> auto generated php files.
When added 'new file' is not detected, you can run 'php composer.phar update' (without quotes) command inside the project directory.
Solution 4:
On Chrome try to reload with Ctrl + Shift + R
This will not reload with cached files and updates will be shown.
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