Getelementsbyclassname Returns [] Instead Of Asynchronous Appended Node
Solution 1:
is commented out. JavaScript only works within the DOM, and commented out portions aren't in the DOM.
Solution 2:
Since you said that your getElementById("0-0")
is successful, then clearly you don't actually have the nodes commented out.
I'm guessing you're doing:
...which will not work because the element selected by ID does not have any descendants with that class.
Since you show HTML comments in the markup, I'd also wonder if you have some different element on the page with the ID "0-0"
. Take a look for that.
If your nodes are actually commented out, you'll need to first select the comment, and replace it with the markup contained inside:
var container = document.getElementById('test1'),
comment = container.firstChild;
while( comment && comment.nodeType !== 8 ) {
comment = comment.nextSibling;
if( comment ) {
container.innerHTML = comment.nodeValue;
...resulting in:
<div class="testA"id="test1">
<div class="colorSelector"id="0-0">
<div class="gbSelector"id="1-0">
<table style="none"id="2-0"></table>
...but there again, this doesn't seem likely since your getElementsById
does work.
Solution 3:
Here's a way to do it for Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. Basically, you just do div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML to reinterpret its content as HTML, which will make that class attribute from the XML file be treated as an HTML class name.
<!DOCTYPE html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="utf-8"><title></title><script>window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
var div = document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
var req = newXMLHttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) {
var doc = this.responseXML;
div.appendChild(document.importNode(doc.getElementsByTagName("response")[0].getElementsByTagName("div")[0], true));
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML;
};"GET", "div.xml");
}, false);
Remove the this.status === 200 if you're testing locally in browsers that support xhr locally.
The importNode() function doesn't seem to work in IE (9 for example). I get a vague "interface not supported" error.
You could also do it this way:
var doc = this.responseXML;
var markup = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(doc.getElementsByTagName("response")[0].getElementsByTagName("div")[0]);
div.innerHTML = markup;
as long as the markup is HTML-friendly as far as end tags for empty elements are concerned.
Solution 4:
<!--<div class="colorSelector"id="0-0">
<div class="gbSelector"id="1-0">
<table style="none"id="2-0"></table>
The above code is gray for a reason: it's a comment. Comments aren't parsed by the browser at all and have no influence on the page whatsoever.
You'll have to parse the HTML, read the comments, and make a new DOM object with the contents of the comment.
Solution 5:
Please describe what you are doing with the returned results. There is a significant difference between a nodeList and a node, nodeLists are LIVE.
So if you assign a nodeList returned by getElementsByClassName()
(or similar) to a variable, this variable will change when you remove the nodes inside the nodeList from the DOM.
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