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D3js Using An Attribute That Is Updated Within The Same Callback

As part of a larger project, I'm wanting to update an attribute of an SVG line from within a click handler and then subsequently use that attribute while still within the callback.

Solution 1:

The 'val' you're setting via the attr function becomes an attribute of the <line> element –– not of the model d that is bound to it. So d.val is undefined, which is why the stroke is unaffected.

So you need to get that attribute value from the <line> element itself. To get hold of that element from inside that function (the one you're using to set stroke-width), you need to call, which creates a d3 selection containing that element (which is this inside that function).

Then to get its val attribute, you need to call attr('val') on that d3 selection. When you call attr with a single, string param it acts as a getter, rather than a setter, so it'll return the 10 you set on it.

Putting it all together, it looks like this:

.attr("stroke-width", function(d) { return'val'); });

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