Setinterval + React Hooks Causing Multiple Updates Within Component
Solution 1:
This is a classic example of stale closure in React hooks, inside your setInterval value of time
is not changing after calling setTime
. Change your code with:
setInterval(() => setTime(currentTime => currentTime + 1), 1000)
just like the setState
of classful components also accepts a callback function which has the current value as the first param
Also, the timer
variable is useless in you code since on every re-render it will be undefined and you wont't have the access of return value of setInterval
, so it will reinitialize the setInterval
. To handle that use useRef
, you can store the return of setInterval
in .current
, which will be available to you after subsequent re renders so no more re-init of setInterval and you can also use clearInterval
Answer :
const {useState, useRef} = React;
const {render} = ReactDOM;
constTimer = () => {
const [time, setTime] = useState(0);
const timer = useRef(null);
conststartStopTimer = () => {
if (!timer.current) {
timer.current = setInterval(() =>setTime(currentTime => currentTime + 1), 1000);
} else {
timer.current = null;
return (
<div><p>Time: {time} seconds</p><buttononClick={startStopTimer}
render(<Timer />, document.getElementById("root"));
Solution 2:
Here is an example using a react class component. This example keeps track of the start time instead of adding to some value on a certain interval. Then when you stop the timer it accumulates the passed time.
The callback passed to setInterval
might not always exactly be called each n
ms. If the JavaScript engine is busy it might take a few ms longer. Keeping a counter would slowly offset the actual passed time the longer it runs.
const {Component} = React;
const {render} = ReactDOM;
classStopWatchextendsComponent {
state = {startTime: null, accTime: 0, intervalId: null};
componentWillUnmount() {
ms() {
const {startTime, accTime} = this.state;
if (!startTime) return accTime; - startTime + accTime;
start = () => {
intervalId: setInterval(() =>this.forceUpdate(), 10)
stop = () => {
startTime: null,
intervalId: null
reset = () => {
accTime: 0,
startTime: this.state.startTime &&
render() {
return (
<div><h1>{ / 1000}</h1>
? <buttononClick={this.stop}>stop</button>
: <buttononClick={this.start}>start</button>}
render(<StopWatch />, document.getElementById("stop-watch"));
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