File Upload | Without Page Refresh | Struts2 | No Flash |
Solution 1:
I am using the same plugin and it is working fine for me. The first problem I see in your code is that you have not set the type of your upload button to submit.
<button id="px-submit"type="submit">Upload</button>
Hopefully, this should solve the null pointer excepton. Also, as mentioned in this plugin's docs, you need to return a json string
<div id='message'>success message</div>
on successfull upload. So you need to change your struts.xml mapping. Try this and then get back to me if you face any further problems. EDIT: Ok here is my code as you requested
<form action="uploadImage" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="image" class="fileUpload" multiple/>
<button id="px-submit"type="submit">Save all images</button>
<button id="px-clear"type="reset">Clear all</button>
autoUpload: false,
buttonUpload: '#px-submit',
buttonClear: '#px-clear',
Action class
You need to return stream result. I am using a plugin (struts2 jquery plugin) which takes care of it vary nicely, but you dont have to use it only because of this one requirement, instead I am giving you a code to return stream result without using any plugin.(Taken from here)
privateFile image;
privateString imageContentType;
privateString imageFileName;
//getter/setter for thesepublicStringexecute() {
String status="";
//save file code here
status="<div id='message'>successfully uploaded</div>"; //on success
inputStream = newStringBufferInputStream(status);
}catch(WhateverException e){
status="<div id='status'>fail</div><div id='message'>Your fail message</div>"; //on error
inputStream = newStringBufferInputStream(status);
//other code
privateInputStream inputStream;
publicInputStreamgetInputStream() {
return inputStream;
Solution 2:
add a target
attribute to your form and have an iframe with the same name. Submit the multipart form directly to the action without using any plugin and the response will load in the iframe. That will solve your page refresh issue. If you need to use a plugin then i'll suggest use this will use XHR/Ajax for modern browsers and degrade gracefully to iframe upload in older browsers.
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