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Regex Expression To Match Special Characters And Numbers

I'm looking for a regexp to see if a string contains any special characters, numbers or anything else but letters. For example I have a string 'This is a 5 string #'. Now I would n

Solution 1:

you can use .test() method

if ("This is a 5 string #".test(/[^a-z]/i)) { ... }

this will find if some symbols different from a-z and A-Z are inside the string. Note also that this regexp won't accept accented letters. in that case you will need a more refined regexp like


see a unicode table to choose what symbols are acceptable in your string

Solution 2:

The basics you want is something like /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ this will tell you if your string as any charachters of a to z upper and lowercase.

There are tons off resources online to learn more about regex, a good resource is

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