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Phonegap Filetransfer Download

I'm new on stackoverflow. it's the first time that I have to use Phonegap and really I have a problem. I need to make a table and by clicking on each element starts to download a p

Solution 1:

First of all your url is invalid included http multiple times

var url = 'http://';

change like this

var url = '';

If you are create multiple directory and store file inside that directory this may be create issue.(example [project/sample/local] not created same time. so file not download).And make sure file download plugins are available in config.xml and specify phonegap version.

Use this code to create multiple directory at time.

window.requestFileSystem  = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem;
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFS, fail);

// create directory
function gotFS(fileSystem) {
    window.FS = fileSystem;
    var printDirPath = function(entry){
        console.log("Dir path - " + entry.fullPath);

    createDirectory("local/path/to/your", printDirPath);
function fail() {
    console.log("failed to get filesystem");

function createDirectory(path, success){
    var dirs = path.split("/").reverse();
    var root = window.FS.root;
    var createDir = function(dir){
        console.log("create dir " + dir);
        root.getDirectory(dir, {
            create : true,
            exclusive : false
        }, successCB, failCB);

    var successCB = function(entry){
        root = entry;
        if(dirs.length > 0){

    var failCB = function(){


Now you write your file download code .

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